Friday, May 1, 2009

I've Got High Hopes That Things End Famously

PM: 1:45 Trainer ride, w/ 30 minute Tempo.

It started to rain when I got home today and even though it was a half day of sorts I figured the rain would most likely get heavier (I was wrong) so I got on the trainer and listened to a few albums I wanted to get caught up on. After 45 minutes of steady state riding I did 30 minutes at LT although I think by the end I was slightly over LT. I did a steady 30 minutes cool down and by the end I was pretty wiped. Since the ride I have actually been very tired and grumpy. I lost a lot of fluids and my head is a little warped when the old demons of frustration at this knee problem kick in. I know I need to stay positive but its OK to have a day here or there when the energy is a little low. I have been thinking a lot about the situation and reflecting on the general issues over the last few years and any time this happens it always ends up messy. I have bad luck when it comes to running and I just need to deal with a way to accept it.

Today on my ride I listened to music from The Stills and Passion Pit. I cooled down to the sound of The Daysleepers. These guys are a great example of modern shoegaze. Really, really good atmospheric indie rock from a group of lads out of Buffalo, NY. They have an album out called "Drowned In A Sea Of Sound", and although I only know a couple of tracks off it thats all I need, because I know I like them. Check out the three free downloads they have offered on their website. I love when bands offer up their music in such a generous way. I hope they reap the rewards. I am buying the album now so I guess it does work! If you like the tunage please support the artist.

Summerdreamer MP3
Mesmerise MP3
The Soft Attack MP3

I have an expo tomorrow morning for the cox marathon so another day on the legs. I doubt it will be too busy but hopefully we sell quite a bit of Reebok product. I need to improve my mood and maybe not think so much about life. I got an email today from a friend telling me he felt I was getting a little morose in some of my blog titles. He was right that I am morose but my blog titles are almost always morose! They are lyrics from songs I listened to that day. The above title comes from an old 'Stars' song titled "International Rock Star", a beautiful tune by a wonderful group. OK, time to lift the spirits and get some Dalai Lama inspired altruism into my buzz rather than the self loathing,

Love Kel

1 comment:

  1. i wish it wasnt true;

    great blog. hope you get running soon.
