Thursday, November 19, 2009


AM: 65 Minutes Steady Trainer Ride
PM: 20 Minutes Run - To Make My Knee Sore
PM: 36 Minutes Swim

Work from home days are fantastic, although motivation to do actual work can sometimes be hard to find. I needed to do a lot of computer cleaning but found myself listening to music extremely loud all day. Not that I did nothing, rather I just wasn't that productive. I managed a solid day of exercise all the same. Kicked things off earlier with a trainer ride, spending most of the time in a tempo zone. Avoided the temptation to do intervals by listening to some downtempo and indie rock music by The Album Leaf, Stripmall Architecture, Bat For Lashes, and some Amiina. Nothing too exciting at all. Just a solid ride for 65 minutes in one gear at a pretty hard tempo.

I am going to see my Ortho tomorrow morning and my knee has not felt too bad since I've done no running or precor on it since Austin. I decided to go for an easy 3 mile to flare it up so I would have more specific feedback rather than giving myself delusions that it may be getting better. I have an early start but if I get my ass out of bed I can do another 3 miles in the morning to really screw it up. I want to get in for surgery asap and if it really hurts when I am in there the Doc will take one look at the desperation in my eyes and know I can't mess around.
Went up to the pool after for another slog. I really need some lessons because I fail to see how I can possibly become a faster, more efficient swimmer by doing the same old routine.

Thinking of buying tix to see Friendly Fires in Boston. It's on two nights after Mew and it will mean three shows at the Paradise in 10 days. Leaning towards going but with Fuck Buttons playing Great Scott next Wednesday the 25th it would be 4 shows in 10 days in Boston. Its a bit of an epic week for music actually. Why it all happens at the same time I don't know. Knowing my luck I'll be scheduled for Surgery right before the Mew gig and I'll up missing both shows. Things kick off with Julian Plenti next Monday night. Looking forward to seeing Plenti again, and in a venue actually made with music in mind and not wine drinking. And with that, some Album Leaf to bring in the dreams.

Thats the buzz,

Love KEL

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